
Soso & Anne

Dubbel improvisatie piano concert Anne Bakker en Sohichiroh Shigematsu

Double improvisation piano concert

Anne & Soso play 2 pianos by improvisation

They inspire each other and create a nonstop improvisation performance. They play 2 pianos, switch pianos, and finally play one piano together.




Soesterweg 452B, 3812BL, Amersfoort, Nederland



mail: info@studio-fcg.nl



重松壮一郎 Soichiroh Shigematsu ( pianist / composer / improviser)

Born in 1973, in Osaka, he grew up in Yokohama, Japan. Travelling around the country playing only his own original compositions, Soso touches the hearts of young and old with his unique sound. He’s an independent artist playing about a hundred concerts a year, but hasn’t signed to any major record label, which is quite rare for a professional musician in Japan. His music is the sound of love for every life form, however small. It’s “symbiotic music” for people and nature, and all living things. When Soso plays it’s as if the hearts of every single person in the audience are reflected in his sound, which resonates through to the depths of our modern day minds. He also organizes ecology and peace events in borderless collaboration with other artists from genres such as art, literature and food. He toured the U.S.A. several times (New York, Iowa), and also played in Australia (Melbourne), Thailand (Bangkok), Italy (Firenze, Puglia), Nederland and Belgium.


Anne Bakker Anne Bakker( pianist )

I am Anne Bakker, an entrepreneur and musician from Amersfoort, the Netherlands. In the year of 2014 I’ve been a piano teacher in Nepal. Right now I’m the residential pianist at an event and congress location in Amersfoort and investigating the option to combine Music and Consulting activities. As I have a masters degree in Business the area where intellect and creativity meet is my biggest fascination.
Playing piano all my life I compose, improvise and make edited covers of well known songs. I get my inspiration from virtuosi in classical music, the build up and theme usage of Deep House, the intensity of film music and many more.



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